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The FRAMESPORT project will implement a coordinated initiative to support integrated and sustainable development of small ports in a strategic perspective, enabling them to become proactive socio-economic drivers of development in the Adriatic coasts.

Such a strategic objective requires a comprehensive approach, which includes both the adoption of concrete pilot actions and the identification of priority themes to promote within the overall strategy.

The priorities will be identified through a bottom-up approach, involving local and national stakeholders from the project's inception phase. Partners, chosen to ensure a broad territorial approach, will address topics of planning and management, implementation of business models, enhancement of training and skills, as well as development of ICT tools and services, thus supporting effective development of small ports throughout the IT-HR area.

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Listen to a story

Discover the territory, history, and origins of Monfalcone through the voices and testimonies of those who live in the city every day.

By listening to these stories, you will be able to learn about and delve into the strong identity of the place, which has always been based on the presence of the port. In the last century, the port has witnessed significant industrial and economic development, thanks to the shipbuilding industry.
